With a good thought of playing Call of duty in better graphics, i download latest video driver for my graphics card from nvidia official site. Replacing my old driver 191.x to 195.x. Then i questioned myself, did i make a mistake.?
The game which was running at 1280 x 720 resolution with full graphics turned on, started stammering while running in the latest driver. I reduced the graphics effects and resolutions, but no use. Finally i ended up in 640 x 480 resolution with all graphic options turned off. The game was smooth, but running a game at 640 x 480 resolution in a AMD phenom Quad Core processor and nVidia 8800 video card is an insult am making to my computer.
After a great struggle, i rolled back to my older to complete the game.
Nvidia...What happened...Who is wrong..??
Infected with Harish Syndrome