Selecting username in website is a terrible tasks. Because name is not a primary key . OOPS!! sorry for using technical terms. I mean to say, name is not unique all the time. It would be irritating to see the error message USERNAME ALREADY EXIST. The problem is , it will be even more terrifying when we try to create a formal email ID which should contain only formal names. So people use to append their date of birth , favorite colors and other things they like along with their ID. Like harish 234, harish_chocolate etc,
Lets put a full stop to all. Take your full name.
Visit Anagram Site, type in your name and get the list of anagrams.Select the one you like.When selecting, try to choose an odd one ,so that the probability of others selecting your nicky(nickname) will be reduced and vice verse.
Bingo! You got an unique ID.
Infected with Harish Syndrome
Lets put a full stop to all. Take your full name.
Visit Anagram Site, type in your name and get the list of anagrams.Select the one you like.When selecting, try to choose an odd one ,so that the probability of others selecting your nicky(nickname) will be reduced and vice verse.
Bingo! You got an unique ID.
Infected with Harish Syndrome