Initiative problem. Antivirus , one of the important components of a System. Right now only a few antiviruses have come. Many people might miss their favorite ones. For me its ESET.I tried installing ESET in my windows 7 PC. Ended up in system jam. To many error and alerts, non-compatibility pop ups.
Finally removed it.
Kept my hand in firewall on my favorite Zonealarm. After a long battle, too many OKs to click, completed the installation Successfully.The Consequences i faced are.
1. Internet failed to work as LAN turned itself off, but the fact , the LAN is on physically.
2. Hamachi network, failed to sync.
3. Zone alarm itself did not work.

Finally i managed to fix it. Not with any patch but uninstalling it.I found the supported anit-virus in Microsoft Website, but none of them attracted me.
So here comes
Your favorite OS(Windows 7) or Your Favorite Anti - virus. Decide.!!
Finally removed it.
Kept my hand in firewall on my favorite Zonealarm. After a long battle, too many OKs to click, completed the installation Successfully.The Consequences i faced are.
1. Internet failed to work as LAN turned itself off, but the fact , the LAN is on physically.
2. Hamachi network, failed to sync.
3. Zone alarm itself did not work.

Finally i managed to fix it. Not with any patch but uninstalling it.I found the supported anit-virus in Microsoft Website, but none of them attracted me.
So here comes
Your favorite OS(Windows 7) or Your Favorite Anti - virus. Decide.!!