Palm PRE soon going to hit the Store with its new webOs Operating System. The Form factor of the Phone is trendy and appealing with Sliding Full QWERTY Keyboard.
In order to enforce compactness, Palm PRE has a very poor Keyboard Structure. The Vertical Keyboard Structure lookes like Palm Centro, which are little depressed. Users may find time to get accustomed with that.
The webOs interface is very clean and bright enough filled to quite a bold fonts. The Sound clarity is good.
Like other mobiles, this Palm PRE Supports many music and video formats and the Clarity is also pretty.
Camera is little disappointing. m A 3 MP Camera , LED Flash. Shocking thing would No Zoom, which even a midlle range mobile posses it. Camera lacks dedicated Shutter Button , so anti-blut , anti-shake is not assured.
Lets see the Market Review when it is fully in to the people.