The Pop Ruler (Not Popper Btw) Michael Jackson. Who was been worshiped as dancing god is no more.
The Album thriller is still in my eyes. The Librarian Girl, Bad, Alas!
This is a great loss to all dancers for whom MJ is/was an Inspiration till date. Even leading dancers and choreographers miss him badly.
Ok Let me come to the point.
It is a great loss for all Dancers thats right. But how come it affected internet. Here comes the Answer.
There are practically infinite number of websites and blogs running about Michael Jackson. In which most of them are mainly to earn by publishing update about Michael Jackson.
This could be the end of all such works. The main theme of their target is gone. The Update Section is going to empty. All the recent posts in the websites and blogs going to become Archives.
They cant change their address or domain name as they might lose their rank.
MJ - Your Loss is really a great Loss